General Steps to Delete Your Account:

  1. Log In to Your Account:

    • Log in using your username/email and password.
  2. Navigate to Account Settings:

    • Look for an "Account Settings," "Profile," or "My Account" section. This found by clicking on your profile icon or located in the upper right-hand corner of the website.
  3. Find Account Deletion Option:

    • Within the account settings, search for an option related to account deletion or deactivation. This might be under a submenu like "Privacy," "Security," or "Account Preferences."
  4. Initiate Account Deletion:

    • Click on the account deletion option.
    • Follow the prompts which may include re-entering your password, providing a reason for leaving, or confirming the deletion request.
  5. Confirm Deletion:

    • Confirm your choice.
  6. Contact Customer Support:

    • If you cannot find an account deletion option, look for customer support contact information.
    • Send an email or fill out a support form requesting account deletion. Include your account details like your name and email address associated with the account.

Information We Keep on File:

When you create an account at a vape shop, the following information is stored:

  • Personal Information:

    • Name
    • Email address
    • Phone number (if provided)
    • Mailing address (if provided)
  • Account Information:

    • Username
    • Password (encrypted)
    • Account creation date
    • Account activity logs (e.g., login times and IP addresses)
  • Purchase History:

    • Items purchased
    • Dates of purchases
    • Payment methods used (note: actual payment details like credit card numbers are stored securely by the payment processor, not ourself)
    • Shipping addresses used
  • Preferences and Settings:

    • Saved or wish list
    • Communication preferences (e.g., newsletter subscriptions)
    • Account settings and preferences

Data Retention and Privacy Policies:

Please check our privacy policy for more information on what data we retain for legal purposes, this information is anonymized and securely stored.